INTM 2350 Reflections of Learning Outcome
To Natsha Rojavithee:
All assignments were submitted even before the deadline reflecting your good preparation, great passion, and yet perfection. Besides, you always consulted me about the ideas, conceptual design, and technical solutions regarding the upcoming projects.
I was really impressed with your positive class attitude through your enthusiasm, creativity, and yet challenges. Besides, I think the class critiques help you with a stronger design concept and better design solution; how text and image cold work hand in hand or work alone to maximize the visual impact while maintaining a clear message.
The unique shape of N and R merged with the motif film, camera, and tripod actually enhance the key message of your photographic career's inspirations.
The main purpose of this class is to prepare identity design, the midterm project, for job applications in the field of visual communication. With your passion and dedication from this class, I think you eventually came up with the effective visual communication of your portfolio.
To William Koch:
Through the lectures, assignments, and critiques, I have noticed that you have gained more sensibility in visual elements as well as developed design skills to the next level. I could assume that what you have learned and trained from this class, visual literacy and design skill, were obviously reflected through 3 main principles; navigation, hierarchy, and unity.
All assignments were well designed to build up more sensibility in visual elements, then a better perception of the design principles, and finally, the sharp design solution to execute from conceptual design to the final artwork. Besides, I could perceive that the introduction to the history of graphic design effectively guided you to be more appreciative and conscientious about the graphic style development and eventually reflected them into your own artwork. The stylish W and K overlayed with the yellow arrow effectively reflected the kiddy and funny tone & manner of your interactive game design. Besides, the yellow arrow and the directional dash lines are also symbolized as an interactive motif in game and interactivity experiences enunciating the corporate identity of game & interactive design business.
I am so impressed that your learning outcomes dramatically enhanced your design skills to be ready for job applications in the field of interactive and game design.
To Wachareepan Sritubthim:
Seemingly, you actually build up your design skill-sets from one assignment to another toward midterm and the final project. From time to time, I know you got stuck and a bit frustrated, but somehow my constructive criticism dramatically helped you to get through it with a better idea and sharper design solution.
With an emphasis on navigation, hierarchy, and unity - as I always repetitively enunciated over and over- I could perceive that you have gained a better understanding of the design principles, became more sensible in visual elements, and yet made the right creative solution; executing the conceptual design to be the creative visual art forms along with a clear message. The unique shapes of W and S that were toped up with a crown motif with the pinky color within the emphasis of negative and positive space, therefore it dramatically elucidated girlish and stylish graphic design as well as unveiled your personality conspicuously.
With your enthusiasm and perfectionism, your artworks have been gone beyond my expectation as a combination of visual attraction as well as effective communication.