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Typo 1: Literal Expression


Choose two words from the list below.

confusion        direction          compression      transition         connection      repetition

addition           subtraction     elimination          construction   contraction     expansion

cidy_typo 1.1
cindy_typo 1.2
cindy_typo 2.1
cindy_typo 2.2
pinya_typo 1.1
pinya_typo 1.2
pinya_typo 2.1
pinya_typo 2.2
ivana_typo 1.1
ivana_typo 1.2
ivana_typo 2.1
ivan_typo 2.2
brian_typo 1.1
brian_typo 1.2
brian_typo 2.2
brian_typo 2.1

In two different compositions, arrange each word to express its meaning (one word per composition) by limiting any manipulation that ruins the original shape of letterforms.  

Use the typeface Futura Bold.

You may vary the size, spacing, placement, and orientation of the letters or repeat, omit, slice, block, or overlap words or letters, using a computer, or any combination of these methods.



Exercise literal expression of words to intensify words’ meaning critically, creatively and artistically

Respect the original shape of letterforms


Typo. 2: Visual Expression


Choose two pairs of antonyms from the same line of the list below.

affection          affectation           masculine       feminine                strength          flexibility

liquefaction    petrifaction          evaporation    condensation       ferocious         friendly


In two different compositions, arrange each word to express its meaning (one word per composition) by critically and creatively manipulating the entire words, each letter or part of letters with scale, twist or expansion or may adding visual effect, such as drop shadows, blur, movement or even combing graphic or motif, as a part of the letterform., etc. to enhance word’s meaning.

Use the proper typeface to intensify the word’s meaning.



Exercise visual expression of words to strengthen words’ meaning critically, creatively and artistically

Apply Creative Strategy to characterize words’ meaning graphically

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